Resume de l’article : Attal affiche une série de mesures pour favoriser l’accès aux soins de ville

Article title: « Attal announces a series of measures to facilitate access to city care »

The French Secretary of State for Health, Adrien Tatal, announced a series of measures to improve access to city care. The main points are:

– The creation of a « healthcare house » in each canton by 2022, offering various medical services under one roof.
– The extension of the teleconsultation system, facilitating remote medical consultations.
– Support for healthcare professionals to install in underserved areas through financial incentives and simplified installation procedures.
– Coordination and cooperation between healthcare professionals will be promoted through team-based healthcare approaches.
– Investment in healthcare training and the development of new healthcare professions.
– Implementation of a « health license » for nursing students, allowing them to practice certain acts after one year of training instead of three.
– Support for healthcare research, particularly in the digital health field.

These measures aim to improve accessibility, quality, and affordability of city care in France.