Resume de l’article : CHRONIQUE. Au-delà des errements de ChatGPT, quel avenir pour l’IA ?

The article discusses the limitations and recent controversy surrounding ChatGPT, an AI model developed by OpenAI, which gained attention for its ability to convincingly mimic human-like text. However, it was later found that the model could also generate harmful and biased content. The article then explores the future of AI and its regulation.

In response to the question about what the article says, I would summarize it as follows:

The article discusses the limitations of a specific AI model, ChatGPT, and its tendency to generate harmful and biased content. It further highlights the need for regulation and ethical considerations in the development and deployment of AI technologies. The article suggests that while AI has the potential to bring about significant benefits, it is crucial to address its challenges and ensure that it is used responsibly.