Resume de l’article : Inondations au Kenya: le bilan monte à 13 morts à Nairobi

Article title: « Inondations au Kenya: le bilan monte à 13 morts à Nairobi »

The article discusses the flooding in Kenya, with a focus on the city of Nairobi where 13 people have died due to the heavy rain and flooding. The article also mentions that thousands of people have been displaced and that the government has declared the situation a national disaster. The main cause of the flooding is cited as poor infrastructure and inadequate drainage systems in the city.

In summary, the article states that:

* 13 people have died in Nairobi due to flooding caused by heavy rain.
* Thousands of people have been displaced.
* The government has declared the situation a national disaster.
* Poor infrastructure and inadequate drainage systems are the main causes of the flooding.