Resume de l’article : Ronflements : que faire et quand consulter ?

Article: « Ronflements: que faire et quand consulter? »



* Can be a simple annoyance or a sign of a more serious condition such as sleep apnea.
* Can be caused by various factors including obesity, alcohol consumption, allergies, and structural issues in the mouth or throat.
* Simple remedies include losing weight, avoiding alcohol before bedtime, and sleeping on your side.
* Devices such as mandibular advancement devices or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines may be recommended for more severe cases.
* When to consult a doctor:
+ If you experience excessive daytime sleepiness
+ If your bed partner reports that you stop breathing during sleep
+ If you have high blood pressure
+ If you have a history of stroke or heart disease
+ If you have type 2 diabetes
+ If you are overweight or obese
+ If you have a narrow airway or large tongue
+ If you have tried simple remedies without success
+ If your symptoms worsen.