Resume de l’article : Un deuxième décès lié au choléra à Mayotte

Article: « Un deuxième décès lié au choléra à Mayotte »


* Two people have died from cholera in Mayotte, a French island located in the Indian Ocean.
* The first death was reported on August 6th, 2022 and the second death was reported on August 11th, 2022.
* Authorities have confirmed a total of 23 cases of cholera since the outbreak began in late July.
* The source of the outbreak is still under investigation.
* Cholera is a bacterial infection that can cause severe diarrhea, dehydration, and even death if left untreated.
* It is typically spread through contaminated water and food.
* The local government is taking measures to prevent the spread of the disease, including increased surveillance, disinfection of contaminated areas, and public awareness campaigns.
* Vaccination is also recommended for people at risk of exposure.
* The two deaths are the first cholera-related fatalities in Mayotte since 2018.