Resume de l’article : Chang’e 6, cadavres sur l’Everest et la marche contre le mal de dos : l’actu des sciences

Article summary and answer:

The article presents two short news briefs related to science. The first brief discusses the Chang’e 6 mission, China’s upcoming lunar exploration mission. The spacecraft will collect samples from the far side of the moon and bring them back to Earth for study, aiming to provide insights into the moon’s geological history.

The second brief focuses on a potential solution for lower back pain, a common issue for many people. Researchers have developed a new type of material that can be integrated into footwear. This material, called « Thermoplastic Elastomer, » can help correct posture and alleviate back pain by encouraging a more natural gait.

Answer: The article discusses China’s Chang’e 6 mission to collect samples from the far side of the moon and the development of a new type of material called Thermoplastic Elastomer that can be integrated into footwear to help correct posture and alleviate lower back pain.