Resume de l’article : Victimes d’une mode sur les réseaux sociaux, des servals trouvent refuge dans la Loire

Article: « Victimes d’une mode sur les réseaux sociaux, des servals trouvent refuge dans la Loire »


Servals, a type of wild African cat, have been finding their way to the Loire region of France due to their popularity on social media. This has led to an increase in the number of servals being kept as exotic pets, which is illegal in France. When these animals are no longer wanted or can no longer be cared for, they are often abandoned in the wild. However, servals are not adapted to the French climate or ecosystem, and they struggle to survive. A center in the Loire has taken in several servals and is working to rehabilitate them and find them new homes. The increase in servals in the region has also led to concerns about the potential impact on local wildlife.