Resume de l’article : La sonde RAMSES à la rencontre de l’astéroïde Apophis qui doit frôler la Terre en 2029

Article title: « La sonde Ramses à la rencontre de l’astéroïde Apophis, qui doit frôler la Terre en 2029 »

The article discusses the European Space Agency’s plan to launch a mission to study the asteroid Apophis, which is expected to come close to Earth in 2029. The mission, called « Ramses, » will be tasked with gathering data on the asteroid’s size, shape, composition, and mass. The information gathered by Ramses will help scientists understand the threat posed by Apophis and other Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). The mission is still in the early stages of development and is expected to be launched in the early 2030s.


The European Space Agency plans to launch a mission called « Ramses » to study the asteroid Apophis, which is expected to come close to Earth in 2029. The mission will gather data on the asteroid’s size, shape, composition, and mass to help scientists understand the threat posed by Apophis and other Near-Earth Objects. The mission is still in the early stages of development and is expected to be launched in the early 2030s.