Resume de l’article : En Californie, le premier « mégafeu » de l’année est d’origine criminelle

The article reports that the first « gigafire » of the year in California was caused by arson.

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) announced that the blaze, named the « Sand Fire, » was started deliberately and is being investigated as a crime. The fire has burned over 10,000 acres in Ventura County and is only 10% contained as of the time the article was published.

The Sand Fire is the first « gigafire » of the year, which is defined as a fire that burns over 100,000 acres. In 2020, California experienced six « gigafires » due to a combination of dry conditions, high winds, and unusual fire behavior.

According to the article, Cal Fire has not released any information about potential suspects or motives for the arson. However, they are urging anyone with information about the fire to come forward.

In summary, the Sand Fire in California was caused by arson and is being investigated as a crime.