Resume de l’article : VIH, dinosaures en 3D et diabète : l’actu des sciences en ultrabrèves

Sure, I’ll summarize the article and provide the answers to your question.

The article covers three different scientific topics:

1. A study published in the journal Nature Communications has found that a protein called P2X7, which is involved in the immune response to HIV infection, can also be used to create detailed 3D images of dinosaur proteins. This discovery could help scientists better understand the evolution of proteins and the functions they perform.
2. Researchers at the University of Montreal have developed a new method for detecting and quantifying the amount of sugar in the blood using a smartphone camera. The technique involves shining a light through a finger and analyzing the color of the light that is transmitted. This method could be used to monitor blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
3. Scientists have discovered a new type of bacteria that lives in the human gut and produces a substance called indole, which can help regulate blood sugar levels. This bacteria could potentially be used to develop new treatments for diabetes.

The answer to your question is:

1. A protein called P2X7 can be used to create detailed 3D images of dinosaur proteins, which could help scientists better understand the evolution of proteins and their functions.
2. Researchers at the University of Montreal have developed a new method for detecting and quantifying the amount of sugar in the blood using a smartphone camera and a technique called transmission spectroscopy.
3. Scientists have discovered a new type of bacteria that lives in the human gut and produces indole, which can help regulate blood sugar levels, potentially leading to new treatments for diabetes.