Resume de l’article : Retour sur la campagne d’Egypte : Bonaparte, des pharaons… et 167 savants

Article title: « Bonaparte, the pharaohs and 167 scholars »

The article discusses the scientific expedition organized by Napoleon Bonaparte during his campaign in Egypt in 1798. The expedition, known as the « Commission des Sciences et des Arts, » consisted of 167 scholars, including mathematicians, engineers, chemists, naturalists, and artists. Their mission was to study and document the Egyptian civilization, which had been buried and forgotten for centuries.

The scholars made numerous discoveries, including the Rosetta Stone, which allowed the deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphs. They also discovered the ancient city of Thebes, the Valley of the Kings, and the Great Sphinx of Giza.

The expedition had a significant impact on the development of Egyptology and the understanding of ancient Egyptian civilization. It also marked the beginning of the modern era of archaeological research and excavation.


Napoleon Bonaparte organized a scientific expedition, called the « Commission des Sciences et des Arts, » consisting of 167 scholars, during his campaign in Egypt in 1798. The scholars made significant discoveries, including the Rosetta Stone and the ancient city of Thebes, which contributed to the development of Egyptology and archaeological research.