Resume de l’article : Expéditions scientifiques : « La plupart des techniques de collecte existaient déjà au 19e siècle »

Article Summary and Response:

The article « Les efforts d’inventaire doivent se concentrer sur les myriades de petites espèces rarissimes » (Efforts in inventory should focus on the myriads of tiny rare species) highlights the importance of studying and cataloging small, rare species in order to better understand and protect biodiversity. According to the article, these small species are often overlooked in favor of larger, more charismatic ones, but they play a crucial role in ecosystems and their decline can have serious consequences.


It is important to focus efforts in inventory and research on small, rare species in order to better understand and protect biodiversity. These species often go unstudied and can have a significant impact on ecosystems. By focusing on these small species, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the natural world and work to conserve it.