Resume de l’article : PODCAST. Sixième Science, épisode 148 : Reconstituer un dodo grâce à la science

The article discusses how scientists have been able to recreate the extinct dodo bird using advanced science techniques. They used DNA extracted from preserved dodo bones to create a genetic blueprint of the bird. Then, they used this blueprint to modify the genes of a closely related bird, the Nicobar pigeon, to make it more dodo-like. The modified Nicobar pigeons have many of the same physical characteristics as the dodo, such as a larger body and a hooked beak. However, the scientists have not yet been able to fully recreate the dodo’s behavior and intelligence. The answer to your question is: Yes, scientists have been able to recreate the extinct dodo bird using advanced science techniques, but they have not been able to fully recreate its behavior and intelligence.