Resume de l’article : La génération X et les millenials ont un risque accru de cancer

Article Summary and Answer:

The article discusses a study that found that Generation X and millennials have an increased risk for 17 different types of cancer compared to previous generations. The study, published in the journal JNCI Cancer Spectrum, analyzed data from over 14 million people in the United States and found that the risk of cancer is higher for those born between 1965 and 1980 (Generation X) and those born between 1981 and 1996 (millennials) than for those born between 1909 and 1945 (the Silent Generation).

The 17 types of cancer with increased risk include:

1. Colorectal cancer
2. Testicular germ cell tumors
3. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
4. Melanoma
5. Leukemia
6. Kidney cancer
7. Pancreatic cancer
8. Breast cancer (in women under 40)
9. Ovarian cancer
10. Uterine cancer
11. Liver cancer
12. Thyroid cancer
13. Soft tissue cancers
14. Adrenal gland tumors
15. Gastric cardia cancer
16. Astrocytoma
17. Plasma cell neoplasms

The exact reasons for the increased risk are not fully understood, but the study suggests that environmental and lifestyle factors, as well as changes in diagnostic practices, may be contributing to the trend. The study’s authors recommend increased cancer screening and prevention efforts for these generations.


Generation X and millennials have an increased risk for 17 different types of cancer compared to previous generations.