Resume de l’article : La France championne du ciel étoilé

Article title: « La France, championne du ciel étoilé »

The article discusses the efforts made by France to protect its night sky and reduce light pollution. As a result, France has become a pioneer in this field and a reference for other countries. Here is the main information:

* France has implemented measures to limit artificial light at night, such as switching to LED lights, lowering light intensity, and adjusting lighting schedules.
* These measures have led to a noticeable reduction in light pollution, improving the visibility of stars and the night sky.
* The French law « Loi Grenelle II » of 2010 and the « Charte de la qualité de la nuit » of 2013 have played a significant role in these achievements.
* The Observatoire Astronomique de Paris has reported a 30% increase in the number of stars visible in some areas of France.
* France aims to continue these efforts and serve as a model for other countries to follow.

France is the champion of protecting the night sky and reducing light pollution, with measures resulting in a 30% increase in visible stars in some regions. The country is a reference for other nations in this field, driven by the « Loi Grenelle II » of 2010 and the « Charte de la qualité de la nuit » of 2013.