Resume de l’article : Polluants éternels: la justice ordonne une expertise sur le rôle de Daikin et Arkema près de Lyon

Article: « Polluants éternels: la justice ordonne une expertise sur le rôle de Daikin et Arkema près de Lyon »

Response: A French court has ordered an expert examination into the role of companies Daikin and Arkema in relation to PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) contamination in the region near Lyon. PFAS are a group of persistent chemicals used in various industrial applications, including firefighting foam. Daikin and Arkema have factories in the area where high levels of PFAS have been detected in the soil, groundwater, and the Rhône river. Local residents are concerned about the health risks associated with PFAS exposure. The expert examination will assess the extent of the contamination, its impact on the environment and human health, and the potential responsibilities of the companies involved.