Resume de l’article : Le risque de mourir en avion a été divisé par deux chaque décennie

Article summary:

* The risk of dying in a plane crash has been divided by two every decade since the 1950s.
* In the 1950s, there were 2,404 deaths per billion passengers-kilometers. By the 2010s, this risk had fallen to 33.
* According to a study published in « Nature », advances in technology and safety measures have significantly reduced the number of deaths in air accidents.


The risk of dying in a plane crash has been divided by two every decade since the 1950s, according to a study published in « Nature ». In the 1950s, there were 2,404 deaths per billion passengers-kilometers, while by the 2010s, this risk had fallen to 33. This reduction in the number of deaths in air accidents can be attributed to advances in technology and safety measures.