Resume de l’article : Explosion de la « maladie de la langue bleue » dans les troupeaux en Europe

Article title: « Explosion of the ‘blue tongue disease’ in European herds »

The article discusses the current outbreak of the « blue tongue disease » in European cattle herds. The disease is transmitted by midges and causes fever, loss of appetite, and mouth ulcers in infected animals. It can be fatal in some cases.

The reason for the current outbreak is believed to be the mild winter and early spring, which allowed midges to survive and multiply in larger numbers than usual. The disease has been reported in several countries, including Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

Farmers are being advised to monitor their herds and report any suspected cases to veterinary authorities. Vaccination is available and recommended for at-risk herds.


The blue tongue disease, a fever-causing illness spread by midges, is currently spreading among European cattle herds due to a mild winter and early spring. Farmers are advised to monitor their herds for symptoms and consider vaccination.