Resume de l’article : Les températures de la mer Méditerranée atteignent des niveaux record

Article title: « Les températures de la mer Méditerranée atteignent des niveaux record »

The article discusses the record-breaking temperatures in the Mediterranean Sea. The Méditerranée Sea has reached its highest temperatures ever recorded, with an average of 28.5°C (83.3°F) in August 2022. This is 1.3°C (2.34°F) higher than the average August temperature between 1982 and 2011. The heatwave is attributed to climate change and human activities. This increase in temperature poses a threat to marine life and could exacerbate weather events such as storms and droughts in the region.

Answer: The Mediterranean Sea has reached record-breaking temperatures of 28.5°C (83.3°F) in August 2022, which is 1.3°C (2.34°F) higher than the average August temperature from 1982 to 2011. The heatwave is caused by climate change and human activities and poses a danger to marine life and the region’s weather patterns.