Resume de l’article : Dans le Coca-Cola ou le Schweppes en bouteille, des microplastiques indésirables

Article title: « Des microplastiques indésirables dans le Coca-Cola ou le Schweppes en bouteille »

Response: According to a study, plastic waste can be found even in bottled water and fizzy drinks like Coca-Cola or Schweppes. The study analyzed 11 brands of bottled water and 12 brands of fizzy drinks from 19 locations in nine countries. The results showed that 93% of the samples contained microplastics, with an average of 10.4 particles per liter. The microplastics likely come from the bottling process or the packaging itself. While there is no direct evidence yet linking microplastics in drinks to health issues, it raises concerns about the pervasiveness of microplastics in our environment.