Resume de l’article : Signal Wow !, Terre boule de neige et virus Powassan : l’actu des sciences

Article title: « Signal! Wow, Earth as a snowball, and Powassan virus: the news of science in ultra-briefs »

The article contains several short news items, but based on your request, I will only provide the answers:

1. Astronomers have detected a strong radio signal, known as a fast radio burst (FRB), which has been traced back to a galaxy located 500 million light-years away.

2. A new study suggests that Earth may have once been a « snowball » covered entirely in ice, approximately 720 million years ago.

3. The Powassan virus, a rare but dangerous tick-borne disease, has been detected in deer ticks in the northeastern United States.

Therefore, in response to your question, the article reports on the detection of a distant radio signal, evidence of a global ice age on Earth, and the presence of the Powassan virus in the northeastern US.