Resume de l’article : Climat: toujours plus de méthane dans l’atmosphère malgré les promesses

Article: « Toujours plus de méthane dans l’atmosphère, malgré les promesses »


The article reports that despite efforts to reduce methane emissions, the levels of methane in the atmosphere continue to increase. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, with a warming potential 25 times greater than carbon dioxide over a 100-year time frame. Its primary sources include agriculture (especially livestock), natural gas and oil systems, and landfills.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), methane concentrations in the atmosphere have been rising since 2007 and reached a new record in 2020. This trend contradicts the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Global Methane Initiative, which aim to reduce methane emissions.

The article suggests that the reasons for the continued increase in methane emissions may include a lack of regulation and enforcement, as well as the ongoing growth of agriculture and energy production. To address this issue, the article recommends strengthening regulations, improving monitoring and enforcement, and promoting the adoption of technologies and practices that reduce methane emissions.