Resume de l’article : Les débris de l’impact de la sonde DART avec un astéroïde pourraient former des étoiles filantes

Article Summary and Response:

The article from Sciences et Avenir discusses the upcoming encounter between NASA’s DART mission and the asteroid Dimorphos. The spacecraft is set to collide with the asteroid in September 2022 to test planetary defense techniques. The collision is expected to create a plume of ejected material, which may enter Earth’s atmosphere and create a meteor shower or « shooting stars » visible from Earth. However, the chances of observing this phenomenon are low, as the event will occur about 11 million kilometers away, and the ejected particles might not be large enough to create a noticeable meteor shower.


While there is a possibility that the DART mission’s collision with the asteroid Dimorphos could result in a meteor shower visible from Earth, the likelihood of observing such an event is minimal due to the distance and the potential size of the ejected particles.