Resume de l’article : A Taïwan, des bénévoles en lutte contre les échouages massifs de cétacés

Article title: « À Taïwan, des bénévoles en lutte contre les échouages massifs de cétacés »

The article discusses the mass strandings of melon-headed whales that have been happening in Taiwan since 2004, with the most recent one occurring in January 2023. These strandings have raised concerns about marine pollution and ocean noise, which are thought to be contributing factors. The article explains that volunteers from the Taiwan Cetacean Society and other organizations have been working hard to rescue and rehabilitate the stranded whales.

Answer to the question:

Yes, mass strandings of melon-headed whales have been occurring in Taiwan since 2004, with the most recent one taking place in January 2023. Volunteers from the Taiwan Cetacean Society and other organizations have been actively involved in rescuing and rehabilitating the stranded whales. The cause of these strandings is believed to be related to marine pollution and ocean noise.