Resume de l’article : La momie de la « femme hurlante » égyptienne révèle ses secrets

The article discusses the discovery of a mummified woman with a mysterious facial expression, referred to as the « screaming woman. » According to recent studies, the woman was not screaming in pain or fear during her mummification, but was likely the victim of a rare medical condition called « basilar invagination, » which would have caused her to have a distorted face and difficulty breathing. The mummification process was done carefully and respectfully, and the woman was buried with many valuable items, suggesting she was of high social status.

Answer: The « screaming woman » mummy was not screaming in pain or fear during her mummification, but was likely the victim of a rare medical condition called « basilar invagination » that caused her distorted face and difficulty breathing. She was of high social status, as evidenced by the valuable items buried with her.