Resume de l’article : Alimentation : quels repères pour les enfants de 4-11 ans ?

Article title: « Alimentation des enfants de 4 à 11 ans: quels repères pour répondre à leurs besoins? »

The article provides recommendations for the nutrition of children aged 4 to 11 based on the French National Health and Nutrition Program (PNNS). The main points are:

* Children should have a varied and balanced diet, including fruits, vegetables, starchy foods, dairy products, and protein-rich foods (meat, fish, eggs, legumes).
* Sugary drinks and industrial pastries should be limited.
* Salt should be reduced, both in cooking and at the table.
* Children should have three meals a day, with a snack in the morning and/or afternoon if needed.
* Physical activity is recommended for at least one hour a day.

In conclusion, children’s nutrition should be based on a diverse and balanced diet, with limitations on certain types of food and regular physical activity.