Resume de l’article : Explosions au Liban, méga El Niño et épave du Titan : l’actu des sciences

Article title: Explosions in Lebanon, mega El Niño, and Titanic’s wreck: the science news in ultrabriefs

Relevant information and answer:

1. Explosions in Lebanon: Explosions in Beirut, Lebanon, have been linked to the chemical compound ammonium nitrate. This substance is often used as a fertilizer but can be highly explosive if not stored properly.
2. Mega El Niño: A new study suggests that a mega El Niño event occurred around 14,700 years ago, which led to a significant increase in atmospheric CO2 levels and may have contributed to the end of the last ice age.
3. Titanic’s wreck: Researchers have used underwater drones to create a high-resolution 3D model of the Titanic wreckage. The model reveals new details about the ship’s deterioration and the marine life that has colonized the site.

Question: What were the causes of the explosions in Beirut, Lebanon, and what new findings were discovered about the mega El Niño event and the Titanic’s wreck?

Answer: The explosions in Beirut, Lebanon, were caused by the chemical compound ammonium nitrate, which is highly explosive if not stored properly. A new study suggests that a mega El Niño event occurred around 14,700 years ago, which led to a significant increase in atmospheric CO2 levels and may have contributed to the end of the last ice age. Researchers have used underwater drones to create a high-resolution 3D model of the Titanic wreckage, revealing new details about the ship’s deterioration and the marine life that has colonized the site.