Resume de l’article : Il y a deux ans, l’humanité modifiait l’arrangement du système solaire

Article Summary and Answer:

The article talks about the successful launch and deployment of the Parker Solar Probe two years ago, which is the first mission to « touch » the Sun. The probe has already completed three of its 24 planned close approaches to the Sun, coming closer to the Sun than any other spacecraft. During these flybys, the Parker Solar Probe measured the structure of the solar wind, the Alfvén critical surface, and the solar wind’s magnetic field. Its data will help scientists better understand the Sun’s atmosphere, solar wind, and space weather.

Question: When was the Parker Solar Probe launched, and how many close approaches to the Sun is it planned to make?

Answer: The Parker Solar Probe was launched two years ago, and it is planned to make 24 close approaches to the Sun.