Resume de l’article : La comète Tsuchinshan-ATLAS risque sa peau vendredi

Article title: « La comète Tsuchinshan-Atlas risque sa peau vendredi »

The article discusses the close approach of comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas (also known as 2016/FU23) to Earth, which will occur on Friday. The comet will pass within 10.9 million kilometers of our planet, which is relatively close in astronomical terms.

The main point of the article is that the close approach of the comet poses no threat to Earth, as it will not come close enough to cause any damage or collide with our planet. Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas was discovered in 2016, and this will be its closest approach to Earth since its discovery.

In summary, the response to the article is that comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas will pass close to Earth on Friday, but it poses no risk to our planet and will not collide with it.