Resume de l’article : Avec 15 millions d’utilisateurs, « tous les voyants sont au vert » pour Mon Espace Santé

Article’s title: « Avec 15 millions d’utilisateurs, tous les voyants sont au vert pour Mon Espace Santé »

The article talks about the French health digital platform « Mon Espace Santé » which has reached 15 million users since its launch in January 2022. This platform aims to gather all health-related information in one place, allowing patients to consult their health records, renew prescriptions, book medical appointments, and communicate with healthcare professionals.

The article emphasizes that the growing number of users indicates that this digital tool is meeting its objectives and being well received by the public. Moreover, the platform’s security and data protection measures are also highlighted.

Answer to the question: With 15 million users since its launch in January 2022, the French health digital platform « Mon Espace Santé » is proving to be a success, offering a centralized location for patients to access their health records, renew prescriptions, book medical appointments and communicate with healthcare professionals.