Resume de l’article : Inondations au Soudan du Sud: 1,4 million de personnes touchées, 379.000 déplacées

Article summary:

* More than 1.4 million people affected by flooding in South Sudan
* Over 379,000 people displaced
* Heavy rainfall and overflowing rivers caused the floods
* The most affected states are Jonglei, Unity, Upper Nile, and Warrap
* The floods have destroyed crops, homes, and infrastructure, worsening the humanitarian crisis in the country


More than 1.4 million people have been affected by flooding in South Sudan, with over 379,000 people displaced. The floods were caused by heavy rainfall and overflowing rivers, and the most affected states are Jonglei, Unity, Upper Nile, and Warrap. The floods have destroyed crops, homes, and infrastructure, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the country.