Resume de l’article : La liste noire des médicaments à éviter en 2025 et les alternatives pour s’en passer

Article title: « La liste noire des médicaments à écarter en 2025 et les alternatives pour s’en passer »

The French National Health Authority (HAS) has drawn up a list of 90 molecules, or active ingredients, which should no longer be prescribed as of 2025 due to their limited medical benefits and potential risks. This list includes certain painkillers, antidepressants, and antihistamines.

As an alternative, HAS recommends favoring other treatments that have been proven to be more effective and safer. For example, for pain management, patients are encouraged to try physical therapy, acupuncture, or cognitive-behavioral therapy. For depression, psychotherapy and mindfulness techniques are recommended. For allergies, natural remedies such as nettle and cornflower, as well as lifestyle changes, can be effective.

In summary, the HAS recommends avoiding 90 specific active ingredients in medications and instead favoring alternatives such as physical therapy, psychotherapy, and natural remedies for certain conditions.