Resume de l’article : Châteaux cathares et faune cachée : le trésor méconnu des Pyrénées en lice pour l’Unesco

Article summary and answer:

The article discusses the Châteaux Cathares, a group of medieval fortresses in the French Pyrenees, and their unique biodiversity. The area is home to many endemic and threatened species, such as the Pyrenean desman and the lammergeier vulture. The region’s biodiversity is the result of its specific geography, with a mix of mountain and Mediterranean ecosystems.

The Châteaux Cathares are being considered for UNESCO World Heritage status, which would provide increased protection and recognition for the area’s unique biodiversity. The decision is expected to be made in 2023.

Answer: The Châteaux Cathares in the French Pyrenees are home to unique and threatened biodiversity and are being considered for UNESCO World Heritage status. The decision is expected in 2023.