Resume de l’article : La flore et la faune de Mayotte dévastées, comme « une déflagration qui a tout soufflé »

Article’s title: « La flore et la faune de Mayotte dévastées, comme une déflagration qui a tout soufflé »

The article discusses the impact of the arrival of the cactus-like plant « Mikonia micrantha » in Mayotte, a French island located in the Indian Ocean. The plant, native to South America, has been spreading rapidly since its introduction in the 1990s and is causing significant damage to the local ecosystem. It forms dense mats that suffocate other plants and prevent the growth of new ones. As a result, native animal populations are also declining as their habitats and food sources disappear. The invasion of Mikonia micrantha has been compared to a « devastation » and « deflagration » that has « soufflé » or « blown away » the local flora and fauna.

Answer to the question:

The article reports that the arrival of the plant « Mikonia micrantha » in Mayotte in the 1990s has caused significant damage to the local ecosystem, resulting in the decline of native animal populations and the destruction of habitats and food sources.