Resume de l’article : Les groupes sanguins, témoins de l’histoire humaine
Article: « Les groupes sanguins, témoins de l’histoire humaine »
The ABO blood group system, which includes the four main blood groups (A, B, AB, and O), is the result of genetic mutations that occurred in human ancestors. These mutations occurred at different times in human history.
The O group is the oldest, appearing around 2 million years ago. The A group appeared around 200,000 years ago, while the B group appeared around 30,000 years ago. The AB group is the youngest and appeared around 1,000 years ago.
The distribution of these blood groups varies across the world and can provide insights into human migrations and interactions. For example, the high frequency of the O group in Asia suggests that human ancestors in that region were isolated for a long time.
The emergence of the B group in Europe is linked to the arrival of humans from Asia, while the high frequency of the A group in Europe is linked to the arrival of humans from Africa. The frequency of the AB group is low everywhere, except in some regions where there were interactions between populations carrying the A and B groups.
In conclusion, the ABO blood group system reflects the history of human migration and interactions.