Resume de l’article : Ver solitaire, téniasis et cysticercoses : tout savoir sur des maladies parasitaires

The article « Ver solitaire, téniasis et cysticercoses : tout savoir sur des maladies parasitaires que nous croyons disparues de notre quotidien » (Tapeworm, teniasis, and cysticercoses: everything you need to know about these parasitic diseases that we believe have disappeared from our daily lives) on Sciences et Avenir’s website discusses the following:

What are tapeworms, teniasis, and cysticercoses?

* Tapeworms, or cestodes, are flatworms that live in the digestive tract of certain animals, including humans.
* Teniasis is a parasitic infection caused by tapeworms.
* Cysticercoses is a disease caused by the larval stage of tapeworms.

How do people get infected?

* Consuming undercooked or raw meat from infected animals.
* Consuming food or water contaminated with tapeworm eggs.

Symptoms and complications:

* Tapeworms can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss.
* Teniasis can cause nutrient deficiencies and intestinal blockages.
* Cysticercoses can cause neurological symptoms, such as seizures and headaches.


* Cooking meat thoroughly before eating.
* Properly washing fruits and vegetables.
* Avoiding consumption of pork, beef, and fish that are not thoroughly cooked.
* Improving sanitation and hygiene.


* Anti-parasitic medication.
* Surgery in severe cases.

In conclusion, tapeworms, teniasis, and cysticercoses are still present in our daily lives, and proper hygiene, sanitation, and food preparation can help prevent infections.