Resume de l’article : Sony revoit à la hausse ses prévisions de bénéfice grâce à son activité de jeux vidéo

Article: Sony revises upward its profit forecast thanks to its video game activity

Answer: According to the article, Sony has revised its profit forecast for the current fiscal year, increasing it by 16.4 billion yen ($152 million) due to strong sales in its video game division. The company’s PlayStation 5 console, which was released in November 2020, has been a major contributor to this success, with demand outpacing supply and driving sales of software and peripherals. The article notes that the COVID-19 pandemic has also played a role in the increased demand for video games, as people around the world have been spending more time at home. The revised profit forecast is a significant improvement over Sony’s earlier expectations, which had anticipated a decline in profits due to the impact of the pandemic. Overall, the article highlights the strength of Sony’s video game business and its ability to adapt to changing market conditions.