Resume de l’article : Jaguar, léopard, guépard : quelles sont leurs différences ?

Article: « Jaguar, leopard, léopard des neiges, guépard: quelles sont leurs différences? »



* Native to the Americas
* The third-largest big cat species
* Powerful swimmer
* Strong jaw muscles allowing it to pierce the shells of turtles


* Native to Africa and Asia
* The second-largest big cat species
* Known for its ability to climb trees
* Can drag prey weighing twice its body weight up trees

Léopard des neiges (Snow Leopard):

* Native to Central and South Asia
* Adapted to cold mountainous regions
* Has long, thick fur for insulation
* Primarily feeds on wild sheep and goats

Guépard (Cheetah):

* Native to Africa and a few regions in Iran
* The fastest land animal, reaching speeds up to 110 km/h
* Has a unique « tear mark » pattern on its face
* Has a slender body and long legs, ideal for short bursts of speed