Resume de l’article : En Inde, le traitement des déchets est l’affaire de tous, même des personnes handicapées

Article title: « En Inde, le traitement des déchets est l’affaire de tous, même des personnes handicapées »

The article discusses the inclusion of people with disabilities in waste management in India. The organization, Chintan, has trained and hired people with disabilities to collect and segregate waste. This initiative has not only provided employment opportunities for these individuals but also improved the efficiency and thoroughness of waste collection and segregation. The article emphasizes the importance of inclusion and the potential for such initiatives to bring about positive change in society.

Answer to the question: The article highlights the inclusion of people with disabilities in waste management in India through the organization Chintan. This initiative has provided employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities and improved the efficiency of waste collection and segregation. It underscores the significance of inclusion and the potential for such initiatives to create positive change.