Resume de l’article : Géoglyphes de Nazca : grâce à l’IA, on est en voie de mieux comprendre leur fonction

Article’s title: « Discovery of 345 new Nazca geoglyphs thanks to AI: will we finally understand their function? »

The article discusses the discovery of 345 new geoglyphs in the Nazca desert in Peru, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence (AI). These geoglyphs are large designs made in the ground, and the Nazca Lines are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The response:

While the discovery of new geoglyphs is a significant archaeological finding, the article does not provide a clear answer to the question of whether we will finally understand their function. The use of AI has allowed researchers to identify new geoglyphs, but their meaning and purpose remain unclear. Further research and analysis will be needed to understand the function of these geoglyphs and their significance in the context of the Nazca civilization.