Resume de l’article : L’avortement, un droit toujours fragile dans le monde

Article’s title: « L’avortement, un droit toujours fragile dans le monde »

The right to abortion remains fragile in many countries around the world. Abortion is legal in most European countries, but access can be difficult due to various restrictions and conscientious objections. In the United States, the right to abortion is enshrined in the Constitution, but it has been regularly challenged and restricted at the state level. In Latin America, abortion is largely prohibited, except in certain cases such as danger to the mother’s life or health, or rape. However, even in countries where abortion is legal, access can be limited due to stigma, lack of information, and insufficient healthcare infrastructure. Globally, unsafe abortions account for 13% of maternal deaths, highlighting the need for improved access to safe and legal abortion services.