Resume de l’article : Dieselgate: une vague d’entreprises et de collectivités se joignent aux procédures françaises

Article title: « Dieselgate: a wave of companies and local authorities are joining French legal proceedings »

Main points:

* Several companies and local authorities in France have decided to join legal proceedings against Volkswagen and Renault regarding the « Dieselgate » scandal.
* They are seeking damages for the harm caused by the use of cheating software in diesel vehicles, which allowed the cars to emit pollutants at levels far exceeding regulatory limits.
* These companies and local authorities are arguing that they have suffered financial harm as a result of the deception, as they purchased or leased affected vehicles and/or had to bear the costs of dealing with the pollution problem.
* The total number of plaintiffs in these cases has now reached over 100,000, making this one of the largest legal actions in French history.


Several companies and local authorities in France have joined legal proceedings against Volkswagen and Renault regarding the « Dieselgate » scandal, seeking damages for the harm caused by the use of cheating software in diesel vehicles. The total number of plaintiffs in these cases has now reached over 100,000.