Resume de l’article : COP16 : les chiffres clés sur l’état alarmant de la nature

Article title: « COP16: Key figures on the alarming state of nature »

The article discusses the alarming state of nature, as highlighted during the COP16 (Conference of the Parties) biodiversity conference. Here are the key figures:

– 1 million: The number of species at risk of extinction due to human activities.
– 68%: The proportion of analyzed wildlife populations that have declined since 1970.
– 40%: The expected reduction of insect populations over the next few decades, according to a German study.
– 1/3: The fraction of reef-forming corals, sharks, and shark relatives that are threatened with extinction.
– 4%: The decrease in the extent of the world’s forest area between 1990 and 2020.
– 550,000 km2: The area of primary or old-growth forest lost since 2000, equivalent to the size of South Africa.
– 23%: The amount of agricultural land that has been degraded due to unsustainable practices.
– 67%: The share of marine environments that have been significantly altered by human actions.
– $3 trillion: The estimated annual economic value of global ecosystem services, such as pollination or water filtration.

The article emphasizes the urgent need for countries to commit to protecting nature and reversing these trends during the COP16 conference.