Resume de l’article : Géopolitique et influence, la nouvelle norme de la cybermenace

Geopolitics and influence: the new norm of cyber threats

Cyberattacks and cyber threats are becoming more frequent and sophisticated. According to a report by the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI), the number of cyberattacks exceeded 1,200 in 2021, a 32% increase compared to 2020. In addition, the attacks are becoming more targeted, with a growing number of attacks on critical infrastructure and strategic sectors, such as energy and healthcare.

The report highlights the increasing role of state actors in cyber threats. States are using cyber capabilities to gather intelligence, disrupt critical infrastructure, and influence political outcomes. This has led to a new norm of cyber threats, where states are actively engaging in cyber operations to achieve their geopolitical objectives.

To respond to this new norm, countries need to strengthen their cyber defenses and collaborate with each other. The report recommends that countries establish a national cybersecurity strategy, increase their cybersecurity budget, and promote international cooperation to counter cyber threats.

In summary, the new norm of cyber threats involves states using cyber capabilities to achieve their geopolitical objectives. To counter this, countries need to strengthen their cyber defenses and collaborate with each other.