Resume de l’article : Le paradoxe du cancer n’existe finalement pas, selon une nouvelle étude

In a new study, the so-called « cancer paradox » has been found to not actually exist. The « cancer paradox » refers to the observation that people who live in wealthy countries with access to high-quality healthcare and a healthy lifestyle have higher cancer rates than those in poorer countries. However, the new study has found that this is not due to a paradox, but rather due to the fact that people in wealthier countries live longer, and cancer becomes more common as people age. Additionally, the study found that the differences in cancer rates between wealthy and poorer countries can be explained by differences in cancer screening and detection, as well as differences in the prevalence of certain risk factors, such as tobacco use and obesity. In summary, the « cancer paradox » is not a real phenomenon, and the differences in cancer rates between wealthy and poorer countries can be explained by various factors related to healthcare, lifestyle, and demographics.