Resume de l’article : Crues: l’Yonne et la Côte-d’or dans le rouge, la Vienne en décrue

The article discusses the current flood situation in France, specifically in the regions of Yonne, Côte-d’Or, and Vienne. In Yonne and Côte-d’Or, the situation is critical with the rivers reaching high levels. On the other hand, the Vienne river is currently experiencing a decrease in water levels. As a result, several roads and homes have been submerged, leading to evacuations and the shutdown of some businesses. The prefectures of these departments have advised people to be cautious and to avoid driving through flooded areas.

In response to the question, the current situation is that there is ongoing flooding in Yonne and Côte-d’Or, while the Vienne river is decreasing but was previously also experiencing flooding. People are advised to be cautious in these areas.