Resume de l’article : Baignade dans la Seine, montée des eaux en Méditerranée et le documentaire « Let It Be » : l’actu des sciences

Sure, here are the main points and answers from the article:

1. Baignade dans la Seine: The French health authorities have announced that swimming will be allowed in a two-kilometer stretch of the Seine River in Paris this summer, from July 9 to August 15. The water quality has improved significantly in recent years, making it safe for swimming.
2. Montée des eaux en Méditerranée: A study published in the journal Scientific Reports has found that the Mediterranean Sea is rising at a rate of 1.2 millimeters per year, which is twice the global average. The study warns that this could have serious consequences for coastal communities and ecosystems in the region.
3. Let It Be: The documentary « Let It Be » has been released on Disney+. The film shows the Beatles’ final rooftop concert in London in 1969 and provides a rare glimpse into the band’s creative process. The documentary was originally released in 1970 but has been restored and remastered for its release on Disney+.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.