Resume de l’article : Au Danemark, des forgerons travaillent à la reconstitution d’un bateau viking

Article title: « In Denmark, blacksmiths are working on the reconstitution of a Viking boat »

The article discusses the efforts of a group of blacksmiths in Denmark who are working on reconstructing a Viking boat using traditional methods and materials. The boat they are replicating is a 10-meter long wooden ship, which was used by the Vikings for trade and warfare.

The team of blacksmiths is using traditional tools such as iron hammers, anvils, and tongs to shape and assemble the wooden planks. They are also using iron rivets to hold the planks together, just as the Vikings did more than a thousand years ago.

The goal of the project is to gain a better understanding of how Viking boats were built and to showcase the skills and techniques used by the Vikings in shipbuilding. The replica boat will be used for sailing experiments and educational purposes.

The project is being led by the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark, which has a collection of several Viking ships that have been excavated from the Roskilde Fjord. The museum is dedicated to preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the Vikings.

In summary, the article reports that a group of blacksmiths in Denmark are working on replicating a Viking boat using traditional methods and materials. The project is led by the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, with the aim of gaining a better understanding of Viking shipbuilding techniques and preserving the cultural heritage of the Vikings.