Resume de l’article : Sniffy : derrière la « cocaïne décocaïnée », les failles de la lutte contre les addictions

Article: « Sniffy, la cocaïne décocaïnée génère une polémique et illustre les failles de la lutte contre les addictions en France »


The article discusses a new product called « Sniffy » which is a decocainized form of cocaine being marketed as a tool to help wean people off of their addiction to the drug. However, the product has sparked controversy and debate, as some argue that it normalizes cocaine use and could even serve as a gateway to the illegal substance.

The article highlights the challenges and failures of the current system for addressing addiction in France. Despite the country’s efforts, addiction rates continue to rise, and many struggling with addiction face a lack of access to effective treatment options. The controversy over Sniffy serves as a stark reminder of the need for improved strategies and resources for addressing addiction.