Resume de l’article : Aphte : quelle est la cause et comment le soigner rapidement ?

Article: « Aphte: quelle est la cause et comment le soigner rapidement? » (Sciences et Avenir)


Aphtes are small, shallow ulcers that appear in the mouth and can be painful. Their exact cause is unknown, but they can be triggered by stress, hormonal changes, or a minor injury to the mouth. They are not contagious and usually resolve on their own within one to two weeks.

To alleviate the pain and discomfort of an aphte, over-the-counter topical treatments such as lidocaine or benzocaine can be used. Rinsing the mouth with a mixture of warm water and baking soda or salt water can also help. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe a stronger medication, such as a corticosteroid or antimicrobial rinse.

It is important to note that while aphtes are generally harmless, they can occasionally be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as a vitamin deficiency or inflammatory bowel disease. If aphtes are frequent, large, or persistent, it is recommended to see a doctor to rule out any underlying conditions.